
Tons of SQL-injections and XSS in Eichhorn Portal and vendor page

CVE Category Price Severity
CWE-79; CWE-89 Not specified High
Author Risk Exploitation Type Date
Not specified High Remote 2006-09-02
cpe:cpe:/a:eichhorn:eichhorn_portal pkg:pkg:exploitalert/tons-of-sql-injections-and-xss-in-eichhorn-portal-and-vendor-page
Not provided in the URL 0.02192 0.50148

CVSS vector description

Our sensors found this exploit at:

Below is a copy:

Hi list.

There are lots of SQL injections and XSS in the 'Eichhorn Portal' by
'Guder und Koch Netzwerktechnik' and their own website.

Input passed to multiple parameters in different PHP-files isn't
properly sanitised before being returned to the user.

This can be exploited to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a
user's browser session in context of an affected site or conduct some
SQL injection.

Because there are so many Bugs, I will just give some examples of not
properly checked parameters and form fields:

Eichhorn Portal
- main
parameter "profil_nr"
textfield "suchstring" in "suchForm"
parameter "sprache"

- gallerie module
parameter "GaleryKey"
parameter "Breadcrumbs"

- ggbns module
parameter "GGBNSaction"
- index.php
attribute "topic"

Vendor is not notified, because they don't offer a mailaddress for
this purpose. But they should see lots of strange requests in their
log files :)


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